English with blocks!


Mammutico blocks are not only a toy. In many places, they play the role of tools for classes supporting social skills training or the development of sensory integration. In numerous educational institutions, in turn, they are used for various classes and workshops (depending on the type of set). One of the ways to use Mammutico's large blocks in education is the SIMPLE ENGLISH course for learning English.

It is worth remembering that Mammutico blocks are not only a teaching aid. Their multifunctionality makes them develop children's imagination, creativity and self-confidence. They teach cooperation in a group and support independence.

With the help of large blocks, children also practice motor coordination, gross motor skills as well as spatial and logical thinking. These are skills that help learning to write, read, solve math problems, and in the future find themselves in new situations.

About the classes

The SIMPLE ENGLISH course was created specifically for working with Mammutico blocks. This is an original program written for us by experienced teachers who have been working with children for many years.

The working methods of the creators of the SIMPLE English course are based on psychological and pedagogical knowledge. It is a team of professionals with open minds and hearts. Their passion is learning English, and their mission is to develop creativity and teach in a joyful way.

English lessons with the use of large blocks is an additional service that can be offered by each owner of two sets of our blocks (Smart 230 and Simple 110). As part of the cooperation, we offer 74 lesson plans and teacher training in terms of conducting the course.



What is the Simple English course about?

The SIMPLE English course is a unique language journey for children aged 4 to 9! It will provide the youngest with a unique adventure based on imagination and fun. It will take the little ones into an amazing world that they will build for themselves and where you can only speak English.

SIMPLE English lessons engage all children's senses, stimulate creativity, provide a large dose of movement and motivate to learn! Having fun together is the best way to learn a foreign language and simply use it fluently in your immediate surroundings!

We build and talk during all lessons!

SIMPLE English teaching method

The SIMPLE English language course is a friendly and effective method of teaching English based on construction games.

We use large foam blocks for learning, which not only make lessons more attractive, but also stimulate children's imagination, develop their creativity and engage them in action.

During the lesson, children make scenery and props from blocks needed to perform tasks related to the topic of the classes, e.g. a table in a restaurant, a counter in a shop, a ticket office, a railway station, a doctor's office, a wardrobe, clothes, etc.

In such an arrangement, the child completely engages in the situation. This makes it easier to remember words and communicate using full sentences. Children carry out lexical topics and use grammatical expressions following the teacher, according to a specific curriculum.

During construction, we actively use phrases in English necessary to create the arrangement. In addition to the given topic, children learn to communicate with each other in a foreign language. Free conversation between students allows them to quickly get used to the language and causes them to start thinking in English after just a few lessons.

Our goal is to focus on the practical use of English, which is why the course program has selected scenes and situations that children will most often come into contact with in the future.

The form of classes based on learning through creative and unusual fun makes children love to learn English. Each meeting is interesting for them, stimulates them to act and increases their motivation to learn.


  • activation - engaging children in learning through active action
  • expression - expressing yourself, your emotions through the arrangement of scenes, theatrical staging, didactic games
  • language immersion - addressing children only in English


The SIMPLE English course can be used by both children and adults who have not yet found themselves in traditional language schools.

What is included in the handbook for teachers

The manual contains all the necessary tips and information regarding the organization of classes. The teacher will also find in it 70 lesson scenarios necessary to conduct a course for both beginner and intermediate students.

Each scenario includes:

  • a detailed description and sequence of games that make up the 75-minute classes,
  • a list of the most important elements of the course,
  • songs (links and QR codes are at the end of the book),
  • a list of additional aids to conduct the lesson,
  • a set of words learned during the lesson (ideal for revisions, it can also be sent to parents after each class).

The manual contains dozens of color photos that are an inspiration, and sometimes a hint for carrying out individual games and erecting demanding buildings.

>> >> Click and see sample scenarios! << <<


How to organize a SIMPLE English course

If you already have at least one set of Mammutico blocks, you've probably noticed that thanks to the imagination of children, they can build almost anything from our blocks! Two different sets, which are the basis for conducting classes, expand the range of construction possibilities and allow you to freely play with individual elements.

In addition to buying blocks, it is also important to choose the right lector. In addition to knowing English, the teacher on this type of course must be able to work with a group, build and maintain relationships with children, while maintaining discipline and order during energetic play. Patience, flexibility, imagination, ingenuity and a love of fun should not be alien to him. Detailed requirements for the teacher of our course are included in the manual.

Two sets of blocks, a properly selected teacher and enough space (minimum 40m2) for fun is a set that allows you to start the course!

Additional equipment

SMART wall is a very important element making lessons more attractive. It is available in both mobile and non-mobile (wall-hung) versions.

In the second semester, we introduced small blocks to the scenarios. In order to conduct classes properly, each student should have access to one MINI 345 or at least MINI 230