Miniblock cubes – how to play with them?


We have never written about how to play with Mammutico blocks and we do not intend to do it :) However, our small, modest Mammutico cubes have some advantages that are not visible at first glance.

Below you will find 3 serious arguments, supporting the opinion that our foam cubes are incredible!

Stick the cubes!

Wet Mammutico foam is sticky. It is difficult to take advantage of this asset in case of huge elements. But in case of small blocks this feature is priceless! Kids love playing with water, so we are convinced that sticking simple cubes to one another, just like connecting Minecraft elements, will be a hit. Blocks will be separated from one another when foam dries up completely.

Stick cubes to...

Wet Mammutico foam is sticky and can be attached to flat surfaces. It is even more magical for the youngsters. Try out this idea in a bath or in a swimming pool. Wet, floating cubes might be stuck to one another, and also to a bath, to tiles, to a mirror or just a wall! During such a play you can create really interesting, three-dimensional constructions.

Cubes fights!

Yes, this is completely safe. Cubes are very light so they cannot harm anyone. Children do not have so much strength to hurt somebody, throwing such a cube at them. It is enough to stand in a distance of about 2 metres and if children are supervised by a responsible adult, they can have a really emotional fight. Snowballs, paper balls or other "warlike" amunition definitely is not safer than our foam cubes. As everyone knows, kids love such plays and competition, so it is worth making sure the game will be painless :)

You can buy Miniblock cubes in our STORE, there are 27 items in one set. Identical cubes are included in all sets from Smart and Smartbox lines. If you want to buy a greater number, you can do it. Just call 508 140 692 and discuss the details.