Large blocks

Large blocks

Thanks to one set of huge Mammutico blocks, you can transform any place into a creative and safe playground that develops imagination, teaches you to think, encourages cooperation, provides the right dose of movement and, above all, provides the joy of having fun!

A kindergarten classroom, a school classroom, a piece of lawn, a sports field, a wide corridor - all these places can turn into a safe and creative place to play or hold interesting workshops in a few minutes!

Sets of large blocks are intended for kindergarten, school, playroom and other places where there is a need to organize a safe space to play.

Perfect 40

Perfect 40

One shape, an innovative way of connecting, endless construction possibilities - these are PERFECT blocks. A complete novelty on the Polish ...
1,900.00 zł
Perfect 80

Perfect 80

One shape, an innovative way of connecting, endless construction possibilities - these are PERFECT blocks. A complete novelty on the Polish ...
3,499.00 zł
Perfect 160

Perfect 160

Perfect to nasza nowość, którą właśnie testujemy w zabawie! Już za kilka dni opublikujemy więcej zdjęć i szczegółów produktu!...
6,890.00 zł
Perfect 300

Perfect 300

One shape, an innovative way of connecting, endless construction possibilities - these are PERFECT blocks. A complete novelty on the Polish ...
12,590.00 zł
Mammutico SMART Bag

Mammutico SMART Bag

Strong and durable storage bags for Mammutico Smart blocks, very convenient for efficient storage after you finished playing....
1,349.00 zł
Mammutico SIMPLE BAG

Mammutico SIMPLE BAG

Strong and durable bag for transporting Mammutico blocks, very useful for safe storage of blocks after the game is over. Thanks to it, you...
1,099.00 zł
SMART Mobile Wall

SMART Mobile Wall

Dedicated to all sets from the SMART line! It increases the attractiveness of blocks, develops imagination and provides a lot of fun while p...
6,990.00 zł
SMART Fixed Wall

SMART Fixed Wall

Dedicated to all sets from the SMART line! It increases the attractiveness of blocks, develops imagination and provides a lot of fun while p...
6,990.00 zł
Smart 115 "WALK in clouds"

Smart 115 "WALK in clouds"

Smart 115 „WALKING on clouds” “You just think lovely wonderful thoughts," Peter explained,"and they lift you up in the air.” James Matthew...
12,900.00 zł
Smart 230 “The GREAT Expedition”

Smart 230 “The GREAT Expedition”

Smart 230 “The GREAT Expedition” "A journey, after all, neither begins in the instant we set out,nor ends when we have reached our door ste...
23,990.00 zł
Smart 345 "JOURNEY to stars"

Smart 345 "JOURNEY to stars"

Smart 345 “JOURNEY to stars” “I wonder whether the stars are set alight in heavenso that one day each one of us may find his own again?” A...
35,490.00 zł


These are great foam blocks that in a few minutes allow even the youngest children to re-organize the space around them and build large buil...
6,900.00 zł


Huge and at the same time light blocks, thanks to their big dimensions, engage a whole body to play, supporting precision, agility, balance ...
11,998.00 zł


Huge and at the same time light blocks, thanks to their big dimensions, engage a whole body to play, supporting precision, agility, balance ...
17,795.00 zł


Huge and at the same time light blocks, thanks to their big dimensions, engage a whole body to play, supporting precision, agility, balance ...
23,890.00 zł
SIMPLE 70 - II gatunek - rabat 30%

SIMPLE 70 - II gatunek - rabat 30%

Wielkie i jednocześnie lekkie klocki, które dzięki dużym rozmiarom, angażują do zabawy całe ciało, wspomagając ćwiczenia precyzji, zręcznośc...
8,398.60 zł
SIMPLE 40 - II gatunek - rabat 30%

SIMPLE 40 - II gatunek - rabat 30%

To wielkie piankowe klocki, które w kilka minut pozwalają nawet najmłodszym dzieciom przeorganizować przestrzeń wokół siebie i wznosić wielk...
4,830.00 zł
SIMPLE 110 - II gatunek - rabat 30%

SIMPLE 110 - II gatunek - rabat 30%

Wielkie i jednocześnie lekkie klocki, które dzięki dużym rozmiarom, angażują do zabawy całe ciało, wspomagając ćwiczenia precyzji, zręcznośc...
12,456.50 zł
SIMPLE 140 - II gatunek - rabat 30%

SIMPLE 140 - II gatunek - rabat 30%

Wielkie i lekkie klocki z serii SIMPLE umożliwiają stworzenie bezpiecznej i kreatywnej przestrzeni do zabawy dla większej liczby dzieci. ...
16,723.00 zł


The set of big blue blocks is designed for large indoor and outdoor spaces, such as playgrounds, kindergartens, gyms, parks, schools and chi...
43,296.00 zł


Over twenty simple blocks! Their biggest attraction is that they have gutters, which can roll colored balls!
11,900.00 zł


Kup dwa zestawy i stwórz z nich komplet, który umożliwi wznoszenie jeszcze większej liczby niesamowitych konstrukcji! ...
14,040.05 zł
SMART 115 + Ścianka Mobilna SMART

SMART 115 + Ścianka Mobilna SMART

Kup zestaw SMART 115 i rozszerz obszar zabawę o Ściankę Mobilną SMART 
18,298.80 zł


Kup zestaw SMART 230 i urozmaić zabawę przez dodanie zestawu PERFECT 300 !
32,922.00 zł
SMART 345 + SIMPLE 140

SMART 345 + SIMPLE 140

Kup dwa zestawy i odbierz scenariusze zabaw oraz podręcznik do przeprowadzenia kursu SIMPLE English!...
50,473.00 zł